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At Standing Start Trust we see links with the research community as vitally important and an essential part in understanding how the improvements made to the body can allow further development in rehabilitation.

There are exciting steps being made in the laboratories and early medical trials that will help with repair and restoration after injuries; but these cannot work in isolation and a rehabilitation programme before and after any treatment is important to gain the maximal benefit.


Neuroscience has made significant strides in recent years and many promising lines of research are currently undergoing clinical trials across the globe and many more are preparing to go to human trials. In order to promote scientific breakthroughs and their successful translation to humans, substantial support, funding and infrastructure are essential. 

Current Studies


Exercise intensity and the possible role of micro vesicles in influencing Multiple Sclerosis pathogenesis. - Oxford Brookes University.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a primarily inflammatory neurodegenerative disease for which there is no cure. NICE guidelines recommend regular exercise for peoples MS and systematic reviews of the data have demonstrated good evidence to support that exercise improves aerobic fitness, muscle power, mobility and may improve mood, fatigue and health related quality of life.  There is now emerging evidence from basic science, other populations and early studies in MS that exercise may have the potential to influence MS pathogenesis.

We have conducted a number of studies in people with MS to explore how exercise intensity affects benefits gained and how people with MS perceive and recover from higher intensity exercise. Alongside this we have investigate, in healthy individuals, the role of micro vesicles (small messaging particle) in the inflammatory response to high and low intensity exercise.  This work has indicated that micro vesicular in the blood release after high intensity exercise may influence muscle and nerve tissue development.


The study will be the first step in this exciting new area of research, which will add to the understanding of whether exercise can influence MS pathogenesis and could inform optimal exercise prescription for people with MS. 


Past Studies


The Peter Harrison Centre for disability sport, based at Loughborough University are the leading research centre in the U.K. for all forms of disability sport and are currently working with top U.K. sport teams to find ways to improve their performance. 


Below are past studies at Loughborough Univeristy, with the support of the Standing Start Trust.


Study 1. Dr Brett Smith, Dr Anthony Papathomas, Joanna Kirkby and Nick Caddick.


A study that looks at the psychological and subjective well-being of those who have regular exercise with a spinal cord injury.



Study 2. Dr Tom Paulson


A research project comparing the acute physiological responses and immune responses to traditional handcycling exercise and "hybrid‟ exercise combining handcycling with functional electrically stimulated (FES) leg cycling exercise.



Study 3. Toni Williams


A research project that explores the psycho-social health and wellbeing of individuals participating in activity based rehabilitation. 

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